Friday, November 18, 2011

time goes by

There are a few events that us childless women often dread... the baby shower and the child birthday parties are included in such events. I often have to gear up for such things... knowing the questions of "Do you have kids?" or "When are you going to have a baby?" are very likely to occur.  (Plus baby showers often involve shopping at what I consider the scariest store around... Babies r Us.)  I don't want this post to sound bitter. I'm not bitter towards any of my friends and their gorgeous children. I love to celebrate with them and see their babies grow. There was just something that occurred at the last baby birthday party I attended that may have thrown me over the edge. But sometimes we need that extra push.

My favorite baby girl turned one last week. She had the most perfect birthday party to celebrate... beautiful food and decorations. Cupcakes and presents. Everything a little one year old girl could want. As the parents set up the slide show, I moved my chair to a prime spot. Gorgeous pictures of the little one appeared on the screen. Happy smiles, beautiful pictures of the family of three, and a year of documented firsts... first smile, first laugh, first tooth, first pigtail...  All things which I want to experience and haven't yet. Which led me to have a small melt down. I did my best to hide, but ended up in this tiny kitchen, crying in the corner. (Next time I will look around and plan an escape route!) 

I say sometimes we need that extra push. Seeing that beautiful video of my favorite little one's first year made me realize how quickly time goes by! My husband and I have talked about options... it is time to look into them....


  1. Maybe a little push, just know that you have tons of support no matter what. We love you.

  2. I skipped a couple of baby showers back in the day, knowing that I just couldn't handle it. So you're not alone, and it is OK to say that you just can't do it. Your friends will undoubtedly understand.

  3. Your honesty and candor really make this blog unique. This post must have been hard to write but the fact you did not sugar coat anything (pun intended!), is refreshing.


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